Walter Scott Station
Metro Stop: Grosvenor-Strathmore
- Red Line

Sir Walter Scott, who inspired the developer responsible for the Garrett Park neighborhood. (Source: Wikipedia)
Grosvenor-Strathmore is the peanut butter & jelly of North Bethesda. The two are inextricably linked and, to many, a single entity. However, to effectively recognize this area’s historical value, we will peel away the Grosvenor peanut butter from this sandwich and investigate the Strathmore jelly, or jam as developer Henry W. Copp may prefer to call it.
In 1886, Copp purchased a plot of land in the present-day neighborhood of Garrett Park. Copp, quite the anglophile, wanted to build a suburban development reminiscent of an English village, so he decided to name all the streets after novels of English author Walter Scott. Some of these streets included Waverly, Kenilworth and, you guessed it, Strathmore.